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Death cover

Protecting your loved ones

We don’t always like to think about leaving our loved ones—but if something did happen, it’s nice to know that their financial wellbeing is protected.

A family of three playing in the ocean.

What’s Death cover?

Death insurance cover pays a benefit payment to your beneficiaries if you pass away.

You’ll also be covered if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness—that will cause your life expectancy to be less than 24 months.

Am I eligible for this?

To be eligible for insurance cover, you must be a Plum member. We also take into consideration factors such as your age and sometimes your gender.

To apply for Voluntary cover, please complete and submit the Insurance Form by logging in to your online account.

For more information, log in to your online account to see your Insurance Guide.

A man drinking coffee.


Here are some questions our members have asked about Death cover and Terminal Illness:

  • To apply for Voluntary cover, you need to be a Plum member. You can complete and submit the Insurance Form by logging in to your online account.

  • If you have voluntary insurance, a benefit won’t be paid within 13 months of starting, restarting or increasing your insurance, if you:

    • take your own life, or
    • are disabled as a result of intentional self-inflicted injury.

    For more information about your benefit payment, log in to your online account to see your Insurance Guide.

Liana's story

A mother holding her children.

Hussein (30) and Liana (29) were the proud parents of twin baby girls, when Hussein was tragically killed in a car accident.

Liana worked part-time while the girls stayed with her parents, but her income couldn’t cover their mortgage and living expenses.

Unfortunately, she had to sell their family home and got less than what they paid for it. This meant that she still had substantial debt to pay off.

If Hussein had Death cover, Liana would potentially have been able to pay off their mortgage or reduce it to a level she could pay off on one income—giving her and the girls long term financial security.

Other types of cover

Salary Continuance Insurance (SCI)

If you’re temporarily unable to work due to illness or injury—Salary Continuance Insurance (also known as Income Protection) can provide you with ongoing income and financial support.

Total and Permanent Disablement

Sometimes the unexpected happens. If you were to become totally and permanently disabled, Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover can help ease financial pressures by paying you a benefit payment.