General questions

  • Yes. Call us on 1300 55 7586 between 8am and 7pm AEST (8pm daylight savings time), Monday to Friday (if calling from outside of Australia call +61 3 9966 5813) for help with general questions you have about any of the online tools or calculators.


    If you want more specific personal advice we can put you in touch with a qualified financial adviser.

  • Yes. Log on to the Member site for a broad range of:

    • Information about superannuation, investing, saving and retirement;
    • Downloadable superannuation and investment brochures; and
    • Online videos.

    To help you learn more about your super and investments.

    You can also:

    • Call us on 1300 55 7586 between 8am and 7pm AEST (8pm daylight savings time), Monday to Friday (if calling from outside of Australia call +61 3 9966 5813);
    • Attend financial education seminars about superannuation, investment and retirement-related topics; or
    • Subscribe to our email service - Plum Super News - to keep you up to date with legislative, investment and market updates.
  • No. Your first telephone-based discussion is at no cost to you. Your first face-to-face meeting with a financial adviser, arranged through us, is also at no cost to you.

    If you need a financial plan developed for your individual needs, the financial adviser will outline the costs of this service before you agree to continue. That way you know the cost of this advice before you go ahead.

  • You can make three consecutive attempts to log in. If the details you use are incorrect during three consecutive attempts, for your own safety, your access will be denied.


    To reactivate your account, call us on 1300 55 7586 between 8am and 7pm AEST (8pm daylight savings time), Monday to Friday (if calling from outside of Australia call +61 3 9966 5813).

    Payroll contact/employers

    To reactivate the account please call your Account Representative.

  • Members

    Yes. Once you log on, you can change your password. Simply select I want to change my password option in the right-hand side menu.

    When accessing your account via the website for the first time, you will automatically be prompted to set up a password.

    Payroll contact/employers

    You are not able to change your PIN.

  • Members

    If you have forgotten or misplaced your password you can reset it by selecting the Reset your Password link on the login page.

    Payroll contact/employers

    To access the employer site you need a Login ID and PIN. If you have forgotten or misplaced your PIN, please call your Account Representative.

  • Members

    Your Login ID is your 9 digit Member number.

    If you are accessing your account for the first time, you need to setup your password.

    If we have your email address, you'll receive an email with a link to a page where you can set your new password.

    If we do not have your email address, then you need to confirm your identity with your first name, last name, date of birth and postcode. Once we have validated your details, you will be able to set your password.

    Otherwise, your password is the one you created the first time you logged in.

    Payroll contact/employers

    Your Login ID and PIN is your 8 digit Login ID and 4 digit PIN.

  • RSS (or Really Simple Syndication) is a convenient way for you to receive information "feeds" from a variety of different sources, including the latest news from us.

    Using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) you can receive real-time notification of new articles added to the news section of the website without having to visit the website. The notification will include a summary of the article so you can decide if you want to read the full story.

  • To subscribe to our RSS feed, you will need an RSS reader. Typical programs include Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 7 or ITunes. There are many more.

    There are also online RSS readers provided by companies like Yahoo and Google. Most readers will automatically subscribe to the RSS feed once you click on the RSS link. If not, you will need to copy and paste the link of the RSS feed to your RSS reader.

  • Current allocation refers to the existing asset allocation of your current account balance across the various investment options available.

    It is possible to change the current asset allocation of your account and the current investment strategy of your account independently of each other.

  • Depending on your investment choices, if you choose more than one option, each option will be affected differently by market movements. Therefore, your current asset allocation may not reflect your current investment strategy.

    Also, current investment strategy defines how your future contributions will be allocated across the various investment options available on the investment menu.

    Please note: It is possible to change the current asset allocation of your account and the current investment strategy of your account independently of each other.

  • The value of your account balance that is indicated on the Member site is based on the last available unit price. Unit prices are quoted net of any sell costs, where applicable. Sell costs can be viewed under the Investment fees section on our Member site.

  • A unitised fund is an investment vehicle which pools the contributions of a number of unitholders (Plum Super members) and the total amount is used to purchase assets such as shares, bonds, property and cash (investment options available on the investment menu).

    The central principle of unitised funds is that the fund's underlying assets are notionally apportioned into units, such that the total face value of units (unit price multiplied by the number of units) equals the fund's net asset value. Equality between unit values and asset values is maintained via the creation/cancellation of units at the current unit price when unitholders apply/withdraw funds, and by movements in the unit price when the market values of the underlying assets change.

    The number of units held by a unitholder represents their share in the pool, and the unit price acts as an index reflecting the return on the fund assets, net of an appropriate allowance for tax and relevant management expenses and charges.

    The unit pricing process therefore achieves the desired outcome of returning to unitholders the actual performance of their share of the fund assets.

    A unitised fund is an investment vehicle which pools the contributions of a number of unitholders (Plum members) and the total amount is used to purchase assets such as shares, bonds, property and cash (investment options available on the Plum investment menu).

    The central principle of unitised funds is that the fund's underlying assets are notionally apportioned into units, such that the total face value of units (unit price multiplied by the number of units) equals the fund's net asset value. Equality between unit values and asset values is maintained via the creation/cancellation of units at the current unit price when unitholders apply/withdraw funds, and by movements in the unit price when the market values of the underlying assets change.

    The number of units held by a unitholder represents their share in the pool, and the unit price acts as an index reflecting the return on the fund assets, net of an appropriate allowance for tax and relevant management expenses and charges.

    The unit pricing process therefore achieves the desired outcome of returning to unitholders the actual performance of their share of the fund assets.

    A unitised fund is an investment vehicle which pools the contributions of a number of unitholders (Plum members) and the total amount is used to purchase assets such as shares, bonds, property and cash (investment options available on the Plum investment menu).

    The central principle of unitised funds is that the fund's underlying assets are notionally apportioned into units, such that the total face value of units (unit price multiplied by the number of units) equals the fund's net asset value. Equality between unit values and asset values is maintained via the creation/cancellation of units at the current unit price when unitholders apply/withdraw funds, and by movements in the unit price when the market values of the underlying assets change.

    The number of units held by a unitholder represents their share in the pool, and the unit price acts as an index reflecting the return on the fund assets, net of an appropriate allowance for tax and relevant management expenses and charges.

    The unit pricing process therefore achieves the desired outcome of returning to unitholders the actual performance of their share of the fund assets.

  • If you have a complaint about your superannuation, call us on 1300 55 7586 between 8am and 7pm AEST (8pm daylight savings time), Monday to Friday (if calling from outside of Australia call +61 3 9966 5813).

    A reply to your enquiry will usually be made over the phone or by return phone call within a short period. If not, you may need to confirm the enquiry in writing and provide a contact address for reply. Your enquiry will then be answered as soon as possible. Use this link to find out more about the complaints process.

  • We need to verify your identity to meet our legal obligations. For more information, call 1300 55 7586 between 8am and 6pm AEST/AEDT, Monday to Friday.